Workshop on the 26. National Congress of the German Association for Sports Science (September, 20th – 22nd, 2023) - Website:
Teaching Games for Understanding – An Unattended Approach in the German-speaking Sport Pedagogy? Steffen Greve [1], Stefan König [2] & Henrike Diekhoff [1] [1]Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, [2] Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten Workshop: TGfU–forty years of learner and game orientation for a better practiceAs part of the 12. dvs Sportspiel-Symposium (12th sports game symposium) of the German Association for Sports Science in Lüneburg from September 22–24, 2022 a work group with the title “TGfU–forty years of learner and game orientation for a better practice” was offered. The chair was held by Stefan König (Weingarten), Steffen Greve (Lüneburg), Jörg Baumberger and Simon Bislin (St. Gallen, Switzerland). After a short prolog by König about the IAB activities and the recently adopted consensus statement a working group from Lüneburg (Diekhoff, Greve, Süßenbach) made a presentation on “Soccer in primary schools: Synergies of TGfU and digitally supported learning processes”; their main emphasis was on supporting the teaching of tactics by implementing tablets to classes. Second, Jeroen Koekoek and Witse Walinga (Windesheim, NL) made a presentation on “Incorporating a game-based pedagogy: Designing rich learning environments”. The focus of the two authors from the Netherlands was on creating game situations, which support students learning activities; if games fulfill this criterion, they are called “rich” in their approach. Finally, Ünal and König (Weingarten) gave a presentation on “Teaching tactical competencies in high performance adolescence soccer implementing TGfU strategies and principles”. The core of this presentation was to offer a method for improving tactical behaviour with the aim of keeping step with other nations in adolescence soccer. As a last point Steffen Greve informed about the upcoming webinars of the TGfU IAB within a short epilogue.
New Project on TGfU in Germany
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