PurposeThis project is intended to:
This project is also intended to enable the SIG to:
BackgroundIn 2001 a task force was formed after the first TGfU conference and a proposal was accepted that that an international committee be established to harness the groundswell of energy apparent at the conference. A proposal for the task force was welcomed by AIESEP, and a meeting was held at the 2002 AIESEP Convention (La Caruna, Spain). A group of ten members were elected to this task force
At the 2006 AIESEP congress in Finland, the TGfU Task force decided that the movement had become large enough to handle a general membership with an executive group to help conduct affairs of the membership. AIESEP agreed to take on its first Special Interest Group (SIG) and the policies and election process was developed. The mission statement, initially written in 2002, was formalised as the bylaws of the SIG. In 2008 the transition of the Task Force to SIG was formalized at the TGfU conference in Vancouver. Rationale for considering a name change to the TGfU SIGARTICLE 1 : Name
1.1 The name of the organisation shall be “Teaching Games for Understanding Special Interest Group”, hereinafter called the “SIG” 1.2 The SIG is a special interest group of the Association Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d’Education Physique (AIESEP). 1.3 The registered office of the SIG shall be at such place as determined by the Executive of the SIG. ARTICLE 2: Objects 2.1 The primary object for which SIG is established is to establish a globally representative group of institutions and individuals committed to (a) Promoting and disseminating scholarly inquiry around ways of knowing, learning and teaching through games centred approaches; (b) Broadening international cooperation and understanding among teachers, coaches, researchers, students and institutions of the world through best practice, critical educational and research collaborations and exchanges; (c) Providing AIESEP with expert advocacy, advice and responses to educational issues where relevant. 2.2 The SIG shall also have the following objectives insofar as they are ancillary or incidental to the charitable objective described at article 2.1: (a) To exercise leadership to the organisation by way of fostering an inclusive, connected, informed and respected scholarly community. (b) To facilitate the exchange of knowledge on game centred approaches to teaching and coaching. (c) To support and foster regular conferences, seminars, and symposia that promote discussion and dissemination of research in game centred approaches to teaching and coaching. (d) To foster effective ways to provide international liaison, advocacy, dialogue, representation and collaborative research (e) To recognise high achievement in scholarship, practice and advocacy related to game centred approaches to teaching and coaching. ARTICLE 3: Powers 3.1 As a constituted Special Interest Group of AIESEP the SIG is responsible for: a. Operating in accordance with the vision, mission and policy framework of AIESEP b. Being financially independent and self-sufficient. It may raise operating funds through membership and workshop fees. c. Identifying and managing risks associated with being an autonomous organisation with no liability or financial responsibilities deferred to AIESEP. 3.2 In accordance with these responsibilities, AIESEP delegates to the SIG the power to: a. Make, alter, rescind, enforce by-laws, regulations, policies and procedures for the governance, management and operation of the SIG; b. Withdraw, suspend or terminate membership; c. Purchase, lease, hire or otherwise acquire, hold, manage, maintain, insure, sell or otherwise deal with property and other rights, privileges and licences; d. Control and raise money including borrow, invest, loan or advance monies and secure The payment of such money by way of mortgage or charge over all or part of any of its property and enter into guarantees; e. Sell, lease, mortgage, charge or otherwise dispose of any property of the SIG and grant such rights and privileges over such property as it considers appropriate; f Determine, raise and receive money by subscriptions, donations, fees, levies, entry or usage charges, sponsorship, government funding, community funding or otherwise; g. Produce, develop, create, licence and otherwise exploit, use and protect the intellectual property of the SIG; k. Enter into, manage and terminate contracts or other arrangements with employees, sponsors, Members and other persons and organisations; l. Assign functions to and/or enter into agreements with organisations aligned with assisting the SIG achieve its objectives o. Delegate powers of the SIG to any person, Executive, committee or sub-committee; p. Do any other acts or things which are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the SIG. ARTICLE 4 : Membership 4.1 The SIG shall consist of the following classes of members: 4.1.1 Full Members 4.1.2 Governance Members 4.1.3 Honorary Members 4.1.4 Community Members 4.1.5 Life Members (Members) 4.1.1 Full Members Full Membership involves a dual membership to the SIG and its affiliated organisation, AIESEP. Full members may participate in the leadership activities of the SIG, have the opportunity to be elected to the TGfU Executive or the International Advisory Board and be allowed to vote in general meeting. Individuals shall be admitted to full membership completing the membership application form as outlined on the SIG website and payment of the fees as outlined. Full Members also enjoy the benefits of being a member of AIESEP. 4.1.2 Governance Members Governance Membership provides the opportunity to join the SIG without also becoming a member of AIESEP. Governance members have the same rights as Full Members in respect to the affairs of the SIG, have the opportunity to be elected to the TGfU Executive or the International Advisory Board and are allowed to vote in general meetings. Individuals shall be admitted to Governance Membership upon completing the membership application form as outlined on the SIG website and payment of the membership fee. 4.1.3 Honorary Members Individuals who have rendered a special service to the association or made significant contributions to the field of physical education and/or sport can be appointed as Honorary Members of the SIG. Emeritus status may be granted to those who have served eight years or more with distinction within the organisation and have demonstrated professional service to their community. The Executive will determine the criteria for Honorary and Emeritus members. Nominations can be made by any member of the SIG and received by the Executive. The Executive will make the final decisions for Honorary and Emeritus members. Honorary Members shall be entitled to attend all SIG general meetings and shall have speaking rights only. 4.1.4 Community Members Community Membership provides the opportunity to join the SIG for free. Community Members do not have the same rights as Full Members in respect to the affairs of the SIG. They cannot be elected to the Executive or the International Advisory Board and do not have a vote in general meetings. Individuals shall be admitted to Community Membership upon completing the membership application form as outlined on the SIG website. ARTICLE 5: Register of Members 5.1 A register of Members shall be kept by the treasurer of the Executive. New members, having been accepted by the Executive, shall be notified to the representative of the IAB of the country in which they reside within one month of acceptance as Members. ARTICLE 6: Cessation of Membership 6.1 A Member (of whatever class) of the SIG shall cease to be a Member on the happening of any one of the following events: 6.1.1 The death of the Member. 6.1.2 Resignation from the SIG by the Member. 6.1.3 The expulsion of the Member by the Executive, or by the SIG, at an AGM, acting in pursuance of the powers contained herein, or in pursuance of any by-laws created in pursuance of the powers herein contained. ARTICLE 7: Suspension of Membership 7.1 Any Member who does not pay the prescribed subscription within one month of the date of posting to the Member the second notice of subscription monies owing, shall be automatically suspended and have his/her name removed from the register and other publication mailing lists, until outstanding subscription monies are paid. ARTICLE 8: Resignation of Members 8.1 A Member, upon resignation, must notify the treasurer of the Executive in writing, and pay all outstanding subscription monies. ARTICLE 9: Subscriptions 9.1 The subscription for each class of membership shall be fixed at an AGM of the SIG and may be altered at any subsequent AGM. ARTICLE 10: The SIG Executive Role of the Executive 10.1 The responsibility for the governance and management of the SIG shall be vested in the Executive which may exercise all the powers of the SIG and do all things which are not expressly required to be undertaken by the SIG at a General or Special Meeting. 10.2 The operational year of the Executive shall begin on January 1st of each year. Membership the Executive 10.3 Members of the Executive shall be:
Election / Appointment of the Executive 10.4 Members of the Executive shall be elected or appointed as follows: a. The Elected Executive Members shall be elected by a majority of Members entitled to vote by election held not less than 3 months before the end of the year in which the term of office expires; b. Nominations for Elected Executive Members must be received by the Secretary of the SIG and be supported by the signature of at least 5 members in good standing and include a signed statement by the nominee that they are willing to stand for office; c. The roles of Chair Elect, Chair and Past Chair are each held for a term of two years. The Chair Elect role is an elected position, who then subsequently assumes the role of Chair and Past Chair in successive terms. d. The roles of secretary and treasurer are each elected for a term of four years. e. Co-opted Executive Members may be appointed at any time by the Executive; f. In appointing any co-opted Executive Member the Executive may advertise publicly or extend invitations for the position of co-opted Executive Member. Considerations of co-opted Executive member are based on an identified need and can be made at any stage in the annual work cycle of the Executive. The length of the appointment as Co-opted Executive Member is determined by the Executive, but cannot exceed two years. Vacancies on the Executive 10.5 In the event that there is a vacancy on the Executive, the remaining Executive Members may appoint a person of their choice to fill the vacancy or the Executive may leave the vacancy unfilled until the next AGM. 10.6 The term of office for a person appointed as an Executive Member to fill a vacancy under Article 11.6 shall expire at the conclusion of the AGM following their appointment. Thereafter the vacancy shall be determined in accordance with this Constitution. Removal of Executive Member 10.7 A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be called for the purpose of considering expulsion of an Executive Member. 10.8 The Members attending a SGM called for this purpose may, by a vote approved by 75% of those Members attending the SGM and entitled to vote (by Special Resolution), remove any Executive Member before the expiration of their term of office. 10.9 Where the removed Executive Member in Article 11.9 was a co-opted Executive Member, the Executive may appoint another person in their place to hold office until the expiration of the term of the Executive Member which he or she is replacing. Where that removed Executive Member was an Elected Executive Member the vacancy shall be filled in accordance with Article 10.6. 10.10 A request for a SGM for the purpose of removing an Executive Member shall be directed to the Secretary and Chair of the Executive. Notice of the request must be sent to the Executive Member concerned in addition to the Members. 10.11 Following notification under Article 11.9 and before voting on the resolution to remove an Executive Member, the Executive Member who is the subject of the proposed resolution shall be given the opportunity prior to and at the SGM to make submissions in writing and/or verbally to the Executive and the Members about the proposed resolution. Duties of the Executive 10.12 The Chair is responsible for ensuring the business of the meeting is orderly and decisions fairly made. On procedural questions, the chair's ruling will be determinative and final. In the event of the unavailability of the Chair for any reason, then the Past Chair undertakes the role during the period of unavailability. 10.13 The duty of each Executive Member is to pursue the objects of the SIG and to exercise the powers of the SIG for fulfilment of the objects and in so doing an Executive Member must: a. Regularly attend Executive meetings and AGM and SGM of the SIG; b. Provide good governance for the SIG; c. Regularly monitor and review the performance of the SIG; d. Act in the best interests of the SIG at all times; e. Formulate such by-laws, regulations, policies and procedures as are appropriate for the SIG; f. Do such other things within these rules as the Executive agrees to promote the objects of the SIG. 10.14 The duty of each Executive role is to ensure an even distribution of workload and delegation of responsibility for key governance obligations. The responsibilities of each role shall be outlined in the SIG procedural guidelines and subject to revision at any meeting of the Executive. Executive Meetings 10.15 Executive meetings may be called at any time by the Chair upon providing reasonable written notice but generally the Executive shall meet at regular intervals agreed by the Executive. 10.16 The business of the meeting will be outlined in an agenda circulated prior to each meeting of the Board. Support material will accompany the agenda and it is expected that board members will have read and made notes on this material prior to the meeting. 10.17 The quorum for an Executive meeting shall be half of the Executive members. No business can be transacted unless the quorum is present. 10.18 Where feasible, decisions of the Executive are based on consensus using the following decision-making process 1. The items under discussion are determined by the agenda and support material. Full discussion is then encouraged 2. When it is apparent that most views have been expressed and all new information has been given, the chair states the conclusion to which the discussion appears to be moving. 3. When appropriate, the chair tests for consensus. If all participants agree and will support the proposal, a full consensus is achieved. 4. If the group cannot agree, where one or a few object, these objectors may wish to allow the decision to go ahead if their objections and concerns are noted. These objections may be mildly or strongly felt; in some cases it may be appropriate to record the objection in the minutes. 5. If the group is in serious disagreement, or individuals want to block a decision, the chair will ask the group to consider either deferring a decision until more information or other options are available or resorting to a voting procedure to escape from deadlock 10.19 If in the opinion of the chair that a vote should be taken, the following procedures will be followed a. Finalise the wording of a motion to be moved and seconded. b. The chair will decide if any further discussion on the motion is warranted c. After discussion, one of four things can happen: 1. There can be a vote on the motion, carried by majority. 2. The motion can be amended (second required). Then there can be discussion on the amendment. The amendment can be voted. If the amendment passes, the motion automatically passes. If the amendment fails, the motion still stands and can be discussed until voted. 3. The motion can be tabled (second required). There can be no discussion on a motion to table--a vote must be taken immediately. If the vote is to table, no further discussion can take place on the motion. 4. There may be no action on the motion--therefore it becomes old business at a future meeting. 10.20 Any Executive Member may participate in any meeting of the Executive and participate in decision making without being physically present. This may only occur at meetings by means of electronic communication provided that prior notice of the meeting is given to all Executive Members and all persons participating in the meeting are able to hear each other effectively and simultaneously. Participation by an Executive Member in this manner at a meeting shall constitute the presence of that Executive Member at that meeting. 10.21 If any situation arises which, in the opinion of the Executive, is not provided for in the Constitution, regulations, by-laws or policies of the SIG, The matter will be determined by the Executive. ARTICLE 11: Election Rules 11.1 Members unable to attend the AGM may make nominations in writing provided that these are received by Secretary of the Executive prior to the commencement of the AGM (Article 13.1 will apply). 11.2 In The event of there being more than one (1) nomination for any position, a ballot shall be held. 11.3 Where a ballot is required the Chair shall appoint two Members who shall not be nominees or nominators of the candidate to count the votes, and the Chair of the meeting shall declare the results of the ballot forthwith. 11.4 a) In the event of any dispute arising as to a nomination, elections or the declaration of a ballot, the AGM shall refer the dispute for decision by the AIESEP Board and their decision shall be final. b) In the event of a dispute the previous office bearer shall remain in office until the determination of the dispute. ARTICLE 12: Meetings 12.1 The SIG must hold an AGM once every year at such time, date and place as the Executive determines but not more than 15 months after the last AGM. 12.2 The Executive must give at least 30 days notice in writing to members of AGMs. The notice can be given by such methods as the Executive may determine. 12.3 Full minutes shall be kept of all AGMs and made available upon request by Members. 12.4 Any irregularity, error or omission in notices, agendas and relevant papers of AGMs or the omission to give notice within the required time frame or the omission to give notice to all members and any other error in the organisation of the meeting shall not invalidate the meeting nor prevent the meeting from considering the business of the meeting provided that: a. The Chair in his or her discretion determines that it is still appropriate for the meeting to proceed despite the irregularity, error or omission; and b. A motion to proceed is put to the meeting and a majority of two thirds of votes cast is obtained in favour of the motion to proceed. Purpose of AGM 12.5 The AGM shall be called for the following purposes: a. To receive from the Executive a report and audited statement of financial position and statement of financial performance for the preceding year; b. To elect Executive Members the SIG for the ensuing year; c. To decide on any motion which has been properly submitted to the Executive for consideration at the AGM. Special General Meetings 12.6 The Executive must call a SGM upon a written request from: a. The Executive itself; or b. Such Members as are entitled to exercise one third or more of the voting rights of the SIG; or c. A member or former member who, in the absence of other available procedures, is seeking a review of a decision of the Executive in relation to withdrawal, termination or suspension of such member or former member. 12.7 The written request for an SGM must state the purpose for which the SGM is requested. 12.8 The SGM must only deal with the business for which The SGM is requested. 12.9 The notice requirements for the SGM are the same as for AGMs unless the Executive in its discretion determines that the nature of the SGM business is of such urgency that a shorter period of notice is to be given to Members. Quorum 12.10 A quorum for an AGM or SGM shall consist of at least 50% of the Executive Members and at least three times that number of Members entitled to vote. 12.11 If a quorum is not obtained within half an hour of the intended commencement time of the AGM or SGM, then the AGM or SGM shall be adjourned to such other day, time and place as determined by the Executive and if no quorum is obtained at the stage of such further AGM or SGM, then the members present at that further AGM or SGM are deemed to constitute a valid quorum. Control of General Meetings and Voting 12.12 The Chair shall preside at an AGM or SGM. If the Chair is unavailable then the members present shall elect a person in attendance to be the chairperson of the AGM or SGM. 12.13 Unless otherwise required by these rules: a. An Ordinary Resolution shall be sufficient to pass a resolution (approved by more than 50% of those Members attending the meeting and entitled to vote); b. Voting shall generally be conducted by voices or by show of hands as determined by the chairperson of the meeting unless a secret ballot is called for and approved by Ordinary Resolution; c. Elections of Executive Members at an AGM must be undertaken by secret ballot except where: i. There are the same number of nominations as positions available; or ii. There are insufficient nominations for officers and after calling for further nominations at the AGM there are still insufficient or the same number of nominations for positions available, then those persons who have been nominated shall be declared elected. d. Proxy votes and postal votes are permitted; e. In the event of inequality of votes, the chairperson shall have an additional or casting vote; f. In the event that a secret ballot is called, two scrutineers must be appointed at the AGM to count the votes. ARTICLE 13: Finances 13.1 Unless otherwise determined by the Executive the financial year of the SIG shall end on the 31st day of December each year. 13.2 Statements of financial position and financial performance shall be audited each year and the audited accounts shall be submitted to the AGM. The auditors shall be appointed at each AGM. 13.3 The Executive is responsible for the receipt and banking of all monies received by the SIG. All funds of the SIG shall be paid to a bank account in the name of the SIG and the bank account must be operated in accordance with the policy determined by The Executive. 13.4 The Executive must ensure correct accounting records are kept. The accounting records of the SIG must be kept by the treasurer of the SIG or at such place as the Executive may determine and must be open to inspection by members at such reasonable times agreed by the Executive. ARTICLE 14: Reporting 14.1 The SIG reports to the AIESEP Board. The Chair of the Executive Committee will produce an annual report for the AIESEP Board. ARTICLE 15: Amendments to Constitution 15.1 This constitution may only be altered, added to or rescinded by a Special Resolution passed at an AGM. 15.2 No alteration, addition to or revision of the Constitution shall be approved if it prejudices: (a) The charitable purpose described in this Constitution; (b) The SIG's eligibility to claim any tax exemptions available to charitable entities; or This Article 17.2 must not be removed from this Constitution and must be included in any alteration, addition to or revision of this Constitution. ARTICLE 16: Prohibition on personal benefits 16.1 The SIG shall only use its property to further charitable purposes recognised by law. No property of the SIG is to be applied for the private pecuniary profit or benefit of any Member or Executive member. 16.2 The SIG may remunerate any Executive member, agent, contractor or employee of the SIG (whether or not that person is a Member) in return for services actually rendered to The Society provided that: (a) No Member or person associated with a Member may participate in or materially influence: (i) The nature or amount of any benefit or advantage, or (ii) The circumstances in which any benefit or advantage is, or is to be, so gained. (b) Any such income paid or benefit or advantage conferred on a Member must be reasonable and relative to that which would be received in an arm’s length transaction (being the open market value). ARTICLE 17: Winding Up 17.1 The SIG may at any time be wound up by special resolution of 75% the Financial Members thereof at a SGM of the SIG, and confirmed by a majority of Financial Members at a further SGM convened for the purpose and held not earlier than ninety (90) days after the date of which such resolution was passed at the first SGM convened for the purpose of winding up the SIG. Notice of the passing of such resolution shall be given to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies. 17.2 In the event of such winding up, the property of the SIG shall, subject to payment of its debts and liabilities, and the costs and expenses of the winding up, be disposed of to any entity as the Members present at the meeting shall determine. ARTICLE 18: Indemnity 18.1 The SIG shall indemnify every member of the Executive, officers and employees of the SIG in respect of all liability arising from the proper performance of their functions connected with the SIG. Progress Notes13/12/2014
The current bylaws of the SIG can be found at: http://tgfuinfo.weebly.com/uploads/1/0/0/8/10084267/sig_policies.pdf Draft constitution can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tnEHX8EC_GCwh0vwvW-Cp1OllOlfcZT3z7-RCOwrc-Y/edit# July 2015 Draft reviewed by Tim Hopper October 2015 Draft tabled at Exec meeting with recommendation that it be circulated to AIESEP and members from comment. |
Naming the AIESEP TGfU SIGTable for naming the SIG - Community Document