BiographyDr. Anthony Meléndez has a BA in Physical Education, MS in Exercise Science, MCo in Sport Journalism and a PhD in Sport Pedagogy. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA-CSCS) and a Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT). He has been a professor at the University of Puerto Rico for the past 10 years. His research interest is in PE pedagogical models. Dr. Melendez has published more than 10 articles in recognize academic journals in the United States and around the world. He is also a volleyball coach, and a strength and conditioning coach in female and male professional leagues.
Mission StatementOne of my goals as professor in a PETE program is to expose students to different Pedagogical Models in PE. One of the main models that we center on is Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU). Our aspiration for all future PE teachers is to apply the TGfU model in multiple contexts.
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