BiographyBruce Nkala, PhD is currently a Physical Education Department Chair at The Shipley School in Bryn Mawr, PA, USA. A graduate of the University of Botswana (2015), his Doctorate focused on the development of TGfU Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and Content Knowledge (CK) in Botswana Teachers and Students respectively. In his work, Bruce worked with 45 Botswana schools to develop contextual professional development that would effectively develop PCK and CK, while remaining economically viable for a nationwide roll-out. Though proposals have been made to the Ministry of Education, very little has been done to expand on the recommendations posed. Although Bruce is currently based in the US, he keeps in touch with Physical Education Teachers through a TGfU Botswana Facebook page, that regularly updates subscribers on the latest TGfU information, and also serves as a Q&A forum for teacher questions. Bruce has also authored a Physical Education textbook for Botswana Junior Community Schools that provides teachers with TGfU instruction for games within the Botswana Physical Education standardized Syllabus framework.
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