Academic Articles in TGfU
A comparison of the effectiveness of two approaches to teaching games
Since the popularity of the Teaching Games For Understanding (TGfU) model has grown, there is a need to assess its effectiveness in teaching students to play games. Thus, the purpose of this study by Allison and Thorpe (1997) was to compare the effectiveness of the skill approach with that of the TGfU approach for a variety of factors
Developing pupils Performance
Gray & Sproule’s (2011) article ‘Developing pupils’ performance in team invasion games’ reports on a comparative study conducted into the effects a tactical approach to teaching basketball had on pupils’ game knowledge, playing performance and perceptions of decision making ability as compared to pupils taught with a more ‘authentic’ traditional approach.
Implementing a tactical approach
The purpose of this study by Gubacs-Collins (2007) was to conduct an action research project through implementing a tactical approach to teaching tennis. It was the aim of the researcher to gain perceptions of the teacher educator (the researcher herself) and her students to the tactical approach.
Teaching Games for Understanding in the coaches eyes
The purpose of this study by Harvey and colleagues (2010) was to integrate the TGfU model into the coaching practices of two American high school soccer coaches. Historically, sport coaches have relied on ‘tried and tested’ coaching methods, resulting in practices that reflect large amounts of physiological training and technical practice (Williams, Yates and Ford, 2007). The authors of this article argue here, that TGfU has the potential to challenge traditional coaching methods.
Models-Based Practice: Learning From and Questioning the Existing Canadian Physical Education Literature
Kellie Baker 2016
Abstract: The culture of physical education (PE) has been identified as needing transformation because traditional PE practice privileges competitive sports, rigid requirements and uniformity. These practices marginalize and alienate ‘lower skilled’ participants, and result in a negative influence on students’ self-concepts, providing a sense of alienation within physical education. A recent pan-Canadian analysis of PE policies confirmed that curricular philosophies included critical considerations, however, learning outcomes continued to reflect primarily traditional PE models. Models-Based Practice (MBP) focuses on student-centred learning across multiple learning domains (i.e., affective, cognitive, psychomotor), an approach that strongly influences the likelihood that students will engage in active lifestyles. In a literature review on Canadian PE, 60 sources were identified, where 59 focused on singular pedagogical models while only one addressed MBP: “Teaching Games for Understanding” (TGfU) (54), “Cooperative Learning” (2), “Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility” (2), “Sport Education”(1), and MBP (1). This literature review reveals that although a range of pedagogical models could form the basis of MBP as an innovative approach to the teaching and learning of PE, TGfU dominates the Canadian pedagogical model literature. Results suggest that empirical research needs to be undertaken for MBP to achieve its theorized potential in order to achieve meaningful physical education curricular change.
Abstract: The culture of physical education (PE) has been identified as needing transformation because traditional PE practice privileges competitive sports, rigid requirements and uniformity. These practices marginalize and alienate ‘lower skilled’ participants, and result in a negative influence on students’ self-concepts, providing a sense of alienation within physical education. A recent pan-Canadian analysis of PE policies confirmed that curricular philosophies included critical considerations, however, learning outcomes continued to reflect primarily traditional PE models. Models-Based Practice (MBP) focuses on student-centred learning across multiple learning domains (i.e., affective, cognitive, psychomotor), an approach that strongly influences the likelihood that students will engage in active lifestyles. In a literature review on Canadian PE, 60 sources were identified, where 59 focused on singular pedagogical models while only one addressed MBP: “Teaching Games for Understanding” (TGfU) (54), “Cooperative Learning” (2), “Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility” (2), “Sport Education”(1), and MBP (1). This literature review reveals that although a range of pedagogical models could form the basis of MBP as an innovative approach to the teaching and learning of PE, TGfU dominates the Canadian pedagogical model literature. Results suggest that empirical research needs to be undertaken for MBP to achieve its theorized potential in order to achieve meaningful physical education curricular change.
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Developing Physical Education Teachers' TGfU Content and Pedagogical Content Knowledge
B. Nkala and J. Shehu 2017
The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) approach on basketball performance of 35 (14-16year old) students. Five components were used to test performance namely, decision making, skill execution, support, cover and guarding. The combination of these components was used to calculate overall game performance. Participants were separated into two groups namely the Traditional (Control) group and the TGfU (Experimental) group. Pre and post-tests data were video recorded for both groups. A mean difference comparison of the GPAI components showed that the TGfU group performed better that the Traditional group. However, this difference was not significant in four of the five GPAI components, only showing significance in the cover at alpha level 0.05. The results also showed that the TGfU group performed significantly better in overall game performance than the Traditional group.
The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) approach on basketball performance of 35 (14-16year old) students. Five components were used to test performance namely, decision making, skill execution, support, cover and guarding. The combination of these components was used to calculate overall game performance. Participants were separated into two groups namely the Traditional (Control) group and the TGfU (Experimental) group. Pre and post-tests data were video recorded for both groups. A mean difference comparison of the GPAI components showed that the TGfU group performed better that the Traditional group. However, this difference was not significant in four of the five GPAI components, only showing significance in the cover at alpha level 0.05. The results also showed that the TGfU group performed significantly better in overall game performance than the Traditional group.
Teachers’ use of teaching games for understanding in central Spain
García-López, L.M., Gutiérrez, D., Sánchez-Mora, D., & Harvey, S. (2019).
Teachers’ use of teaching games for understanding in central Spain.
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy.
Teachers’ use of teaching games for understanding in central Spain.
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy.
Review by Yessica Segovia, PhD Student at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
Portuguese Academic Articles in TGfU
Teaching Games for Understanding é um modelo de ensino que auxilia tanto treinadores quanto professores a avançar com conhecimentos e competências acerca do aprendizado do jogo no contexto esportivo ou da educação física escolar. A amplitude de projeção mundial desse modelo na comunidade científica pode ser notada nas freqüentes publicações em revistas especializadas e nos congressos específicos realizados sobre o tema. Devido à importância de tal modelo na concepção do ensino dos jogos desportivos coletivos, esse capítulo irá apresentar os pilares teóricos e as principais propostas de modificação decorrentes das teorias da psicologia social e da aprendizagem situada. Para tal, se revisou artigos de impacto internacional conforme definido pelo Qualis. O Teaching Games for Understanding rompe com a idéia do ensino das técnicas de forma isolada, concedendo primazia ao ensino do jogo por meio da compreensão tática, dos processos cognitivos de percepção e da tomada de decisão. Trata-se de um modelo aberto à discussão com outras teorias, tanto que propostas de reformulação têm surgido no que concerne aos aspectos afetivos e às fases que integram do modelo. Na prática, o modelo preconiza que os temas de ensino sejam baseados em pressupostos táticos do jogo e que sejam realizados em formas de jogos reduzidos de modo a maximizar e motivar a participação. As competências e os conhecimentos do professor/treinador nesse processo são cruciais para promover vivências que possibilitem a leitura tática do jogo de forma mais inteligente.
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Princípios Pedagógicos dos Teaching Games for Understanding e da Pedagogia Não-Linear no Ensino da Educação Física
Resumo: Os modelos de ensino ecológicos na Educação Física distingue-se pela sua pertinência no sentido de centrar o ensino no aluno. Especificamente, os Teaching Games for Understanding e a Pedagogia Não-Linear são modelos que possibilitam um processo pedagógico baseado na dinâmica intrínseca dos jogos desportivos, destacando-se pela sua pertinência para o desenvolvimento do conhecimento tático declarativo e processual dos alunos. No entanto, como modelos recentes necessitam de ser devidamente compreendidos e orientados no sentido de resultaram proficuamente na intervenção didática. Nesse sentido o presente artigo procura desenvolver os princípios pedagógicos que baseiam os modelos: i) a seleção do tipo de jogo; ii) a modificação do jogo
por representação; iii) a modificação por exagero; e iv) o ajustamento da complexidade tática. Em suma, procurar-se-á definir os princípios basilares que deverão sustentar a intervenção didática do professor de Educação Física, aquando dos modelos ecológicos de ensino.
por representação; iii) a modificação por exagero; e iv) o ajustamento da complexidade tática. Em suma, procurar-se-á definir os princípios basilares que deverão sustentar a intervenção didática do professor de Educação Física, aquando dos modelos ecológicos de ensino.
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Ensinar para a compreensão
Ensinar para a compreensão
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Este estudo, de caráter bibliográfico, teve como objetivo analisar as metodologias de ensino dos esportes coletivos, caracterizando algumas novas abordagens evidenciadas pela literatura a respeito do ensino da técnica e tática. A premissa básica é que a necessidade de contrapor à “tradição” a “inovação” requer dos profissionais um pensamento crítico e reflexivo acerca de novas abordagens no ensino dos esportes coletivos na realidade escolar. Diferentes investigações sobre a prática pedagógica de professores de Educação Física têm revelado o predomínio da abordagem
tradicional no ensino dos esportes. Em contrapartida à tendência centrada na técnica, surgiu a preocupação com o processo de ensino da tática nos esportes, no sentido de assegurar que o aluno aprenda a tomar decisões e resolver problemas que ocorrem durante o jogo. As novas tendências metodológicas preocupam-se com a articulação do ensino da técnica e tática, nomeadamente as metodologias baseadas nas estruturas funcionais, no ensino para a compreensão e no modelo esenvolvimentista. Para que ocorra uma mudança gradual no ensino dos esportes coletivos na realidade escolar, aponta-se para iniciativas de formação continuada dos professores e análise da prática pedagógica implementada nas disciplinas esportivas da formação inicial.
tradicional no ensino dos esportes. Em contrapartida à tendência centrada na técnica, surgiu a preocupação com o processo de ensino da tática nos esportes, no sentido de assegurar que o aluno aprenda a tomar decisões e resolver problemas que ocorrem durante o jogo. As novas tendências metodológicas preocupam-se com a articulação do ensino da técnica e tática, nomeadamente as metodologias baseadas nas estruturas funcionais, no ensino para a compreensão e no modelo esenvolvimentista. Para que ocorra uma mudança gradual no ensino dos esportes coletivos na realidade escolar, aponta-se para iniciativas de formação continuada dos professores e análise da prática pedagógica implementada nas disciplinas esportivas da formação inicial.
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